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ApprovalMax - automated workflows

ApprovalMax – Start your journey towards automated approvals

3 minutes to read

Solution Spotlight Issue #2

ApprovalMax is a powerful cloud-based approval automation tool that helps businesses to streamline their approval processes with real-time visibility by automating their sales Invoice approval,  purchase order approvals, bill approvals, and expense approvals without having to go through endless emails.

In addition to that, ApprovalMax also provides an easy to use Mobile application which allows you to review, comment and approve on the GO!

The tool integrates seamlessly with cloud accounting systems such as Xero, QuickBooks and Netsuite providing a structured approval process that eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of human errors.

The app caters for multi layered customisable workflows giving businesses the flexibility to design approval processes that fit their unique needs with detailed approval history.

ApprovalMax - automated approvals
ApprovalMax steps

Get in touch with a specialist for more information on how ApprovalMax can help you and your business!

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